Warriors are born
A set of Longridge Town Coaches became warriors this weekend as they trecked to Bramham Park in Leeds to take on Total Warrior - the great northern mud run. This character-building terrain was hallowed as the most testing ground for warriors and it was here that these warriors were born.
The warriors, Sam Thurlow, Andrew Sidgreaves, Andy Davies, Stuart Bolton, Harry Bolton, Ashley Fletcher, Tony Smalley and Dave Ellis had accepted the challenge to raise funds for Miles for Mitchie and The Oliver Ashton appeal.
The weather was glorious as the warriors placed on their customary headbands and set off on the 12k trek of mud, water and tears.
The obstacles ahead were fabled in folklore, with such names as Cement mixer, High Jump, Trump tower, Hang Tough to name but a few and contained a mixture of mud, water, ice baths and electric shocks, what more could test a warrior?
Our warriors completed the course in a commendable 2hrs 32mins, some of them overcoming fears and phobias. They raised over £2000 for the charities.
Over the last nine months, these warriors have faced ups and downs while they trained making life changing journeys along the way. Friendships have been formed and the club will certainly benefit.
The bruises are developing nicely and in time will fade, but the memories will last forever. Well done Warriors.
There is still time to donate to our charities.